Is a Hot Tub Right for You? Uncover the Good and Bad!




Owning a hot tub offers dream-like relaxation and is great for socializing. However, the initial cost and upkeep can be significant.

While the benefits, like stress relief and year-round use, generally outweigh the drawbacks, it’s important to consider both sides.

Having owned hot tubs for over twenty years, I have compiled an unbiased view of the pros and cons to help you decide if a hot tub is right for you.

Coule relaxing in a hot tub with champagne

Hot Tub Pros and Cons

I am sure others will have different pros and cons, but these are the ones that I consider important when thinking of purchasing one.

1. Relaxation and Stress Relief1. Initial High Cost
2. Improved Sleep Quality2. Ongoing Maintenance
3. Soothing Muscle and Joint Pain Relief3. Energy Consumption
4. Social and Entertainment Hub4. Space Requirements
5. Year-Round Use5. Water Chemical Balancing
6. Convenient Access6. Health Concerns for Certain Individuals
7. Therapeutic Benefits7. Safety Risks
8. Aesthetic and Property Value8. Potential Noise Disturbance
Pros and Cons of a Hot Tub

Hot tub benefits

What are a hot tub’s benefits? These can be just as key to your decision-making as the downsides. 

  • Relaxation
  • Heath benefits
  • Socializing
  • Usability

It is the ultimate relaxation tool

Nothing is better than soaking away a rough day or week in a hot tub. Letting the bubbles carry away your troubles as you unwind is one of the top ways people love to get rid of stress and float their cares away.

In addition, having your own personal hot tub can offer several health benefits. 

Health benefits of a hot tub

Health benefits of a hot tub

As well as the mental benefits of de-stressing you, there are some very positive health benefits from using a hot tub with scientific data to back it up.

Sitting in a hot tub increases blood flow, which can help a body heal more quickly. These include:

  • Relieving sore and aching muscles
    Soaking in a hot tub is great for soothing sore and tight muscles after a long run or other strenuous exercise. However, you should be careful when adding Epsom salt.
  • Recovery from sports or other injuries
    I badly broke my arm and elbow some years ago, which initially left me with much reduced movement in the joint. I carried out the exercises given to me by my physiotherapist in the hot tub, with all of the power of the jets playing on my arm. My surgeon admitted that I regained much more movement than he expected, which I put down to using the hot tub.
  • Benefits to cognitive function
    This article in the National Library of Medicine suggests that heat therapy can even help sufferers of Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Help with sleep problems
    Using a hot tub before going to bed can help the body relax and, therefore, facilitate sleep.

Hot tubs are sociable

Men siiting in a hot tub perhaps considering the Pros and Cons of a Hot Tub

Most people love a hot tub. So it is no surprise that socializing in one is also popular.

They are a fantastic entertainment tool when hosting a get-together. The best part is they are perfect for any occasion. From a holiday to a neighborhood grill, anyone and everyone will grab their suits (or not) and be happy to jump in. 

I remember having a hot tub party for the police shift I worked with. It was great fun, with nine people in a 6-person hot tub at one point. The tub needed cleaning the next day, though, as there were chicken bones and all sorts in it at the end.

Hot tubs can be used year-round

Unlike swimming pools, hot tubs stay at the optimum temperature year-round, so you can use them no matter the time of year or the weather.

Nothing is keeping you from taking a soak during the winter. In fact, I actually use my hot tub much more during the winter months than I do the rest of the year.

Actually, I use one as part of my morning routine. I get out of bed, make myself a coffee and then lie in my hot tub to drink it. A great way to wake up.

Get the stress relief you need any time you want it. 

Disadvantages of hot tubs

However, there are a few key potential hot tub cons that you should consider before you make your choice. For me, they are mostly small in comparison to the benefits.

  • Initial cost
  • The upkeep
  • Electricity costs
  • Health concerns

High upfront cost

The initial investment can be quite high. Depending on your hot tub’s exact model, specifications, and quality, these devices can cost between 3000 and 15000 USD.

In addition to the purchase price of the hot tub, you also need to factor in the installation cost. This will include the wiring, which will require the services of a qualified electrician.

As a full hot tub is quite heavy, you may also need to adjust the site where it will sit.

However, I have had hot tubs in three different locations and never needed to adapt the site to handle the weight of the hot tub and water. So, you may be able to find a suitable site to install a hot tub without any hassle, too.

The upkeep can be a chore

The thought of cleaning a hot tub can be daunting. But once you get to grips with it, it is not very hard and takes a little time each week.

The weekly maintenance will probably take you no longer than 15 minutes, if that, and will involve the following:

  • Check the water chemistry: Test and adjust the pH, alkalinity, and chlorine/bromine levels.
  • Check and clean the filter/s
  • Clean around the tub

Occasionally, you will need to empty the hot tub, clean it thoroughly and then refi

You will find articles on this site to help you, or I can recommend purchasing Swim University’s Hot Tub handbook and video course.

Since the amount of water in a hot tub is relatively small, the costs of chemicals to keep the water in good order are also low.

Higher electric bills

Of course, you will use more electricity if you have a hot tub, but most are quite energy-efficient these days.

They have good insulation and more efficient heaters than they once did. This, together with a good hot tub cover, means that the heat loss is quite low once it is up to the required temperature. Even though you keep the hot tub on all of the time, energy use will not be particularly high.

Potential health concerns

Using a hot tub is unsuitable for everyone, particularly those with health problems.

These include:

  • Heart problems
    As lying in a hot tub increases blood flow, it may not be suitable for some people suffering from certain types of heart problems. Talking to your doctor may be beneficial to some.
  • Pregnancy
    Not a health problem, of course, but pregnant women using a hot tub, particularly for extended periods of time, could be detrimental with an increased risk of miscarriage, according to the American Journal of Epidemiology.
  • Diarrhea
    If you suffer from diarrhea, you shouldn’t use a hot tub, mainly because you could infect others.
  • Urinary Tract Infection
    If you have a UTI, you shouldn’t use a hot tub as not only is there a chance of spreading it to someone else, but it could also make it worse for you.

If in doubt, speak to your doctor before using a hot tub.

Despite all the health benefits of a hot tub, there are also many concerns you may want to be aware of.

For one, a hot tub can become a happy place for many bacteria if not properly treated and regularly cleaned. This can lead to infections and skin concerns if the bacteria can enter through an open cut or orifice. However, a well-maintained hot tub is normally very safe.

If the hot tub temperature is high, you may be exposed to heat if you stay in for too long. Although the goal of a hot tub is to relax your muscles, the same heat, for a prolonged period of time, can possibly cause lightheadedness, discomfort, and even dizziness.

Always check the temperature before going in and set yourself time limits.

Are hot tubs worth it

Hot Tub Maintenance Course

I bought Swim University’s Hot Tub Maintenance Course a while after I bought my first hot tub and struggled to maintain it. It was money very well spent and it has paid for itself many times over the years as I have saved by not needing to use as many chemicals as I did previously.

EXCLUSIVE OFFER to visitors of this site
Use the discount code EASY10 at checkout to save 10% on this Swim University course.

Is a Hot Tub Right for You? Uncover the Good and Bad! 1

Are hot tubs worth it?

hot tub pros and cons

Ultimately, having a hot tub is a great experience that can provide the owners with ultimate relaxation and entertainment for years. While they may require work to upkeep and install, for the most part, the benefits undoubtedly outweigh the negatives.

Ask any hot tub owner, and you won’t find many who will say they wouldn’t trade theirs for the world.

People’s biggest concern when considering getting a hot tub is whether they will use it much.

Recent surveys indicate that most hot tub owners actually use their system more than they initially thought they would. Once they made the investment, the ability to go outside and unwind was easy enough to accomplish. 

Before you make any big purchase, weigh the pros and cons. You must make the best choice for your home and your overall needs.

If you find that the health and relaxation benefits outweigh the potential downsides, several different systems are available! 

Are inflatable hot tubs worth it?

Inflatable hot tubs can certainly be worthwhile, provided you take into account the following:

  • Although inflatable hot tubs cost significantly less than regular ones, they will not last nearly as long. With care, an inflatable hot tub may last 5 years, whereas a hard-sided one can last well over 15 years.
  • They will not withstand very low outside temperatures, so many people buy them to use in the winter in their garages or other indoor spaces.
  • They will take longer to heat up initially and need to work harder to maintain the temperature because they do not have the same insulation standard as regular hot tubs.

If you buy one as a test and love it then I can assure you that you will love a full-size hot tub exponentially more.

There are often some very good deals on inflatable hot tubs. For example, Wal-Mart sold one for just $168 in December 2022 and sold thousands. Users on the various pool and hot tub forums seem very happy with them. Let’s face it, for that price, if it only lasts a couple of years, then it would be good value.

Hot Tub FAQs

What are the benefits of owning a hot tub?

Hot tubs offer numerous benefits, including stress relief, relaxation, improved sleep, relief from muscle soreness, and socialization with friends and family.

What are the downsides of owning a hot tub?

Some of the downsides of owning a hot tub include high initial costs, ongoing maintenance and repair expenses, increased energy usage, and potential health risks if not properly maintained.

How often do you need to maintain a hot tub?

Hot tubs require regular maintenance, including testing and balancing the water chemistry, cleaning the filter, and draining and refilling the water periodically. The frequency of maintenance depends on usage and other factors but typically requires weekly or bi-weekly attention.

What are the health risks associated with hot tub use?

Hot tubs can pose health risks, such as bacterial infections, skin irritation, and respiratory issues if not properly maintained. It is important to follow proper maintenance procedures and regularly test the water chemistry to prevent these issues.

Are hot tubs safe for children and pregnant women?

Hot tubs can be safe for children and pregnant women if used properly. However, pregnant women should consult with a doctor before using a hot tub and children should be closely monitored to prevent accidents or injuries.


If you have made it this far, congratulations. This means you are still interested in getting a hot tub despite the potential cons discussed earlier. In this case, a more relevant question might be, how much are you willing to pay to own this wonderful piece of machinery? 

Before you go ahead, however, there are a few things to keep in mind. No matter how much you feel like saving cash, do not choose the cheapest option. Hot tubs are an investment, and there are significant differences in the quality and lifespan of a cheap hot tub compared to an expensive one. 

A good-quality hot tub will last much longer due to premium components and reduce maintenance risk during its operational life. A premium hot tub will also come with better warranties and customer support features, meaning that if you run into issues during installation or operation, you can get help. 

In conclusion, owning a hot tub is an intensely personal decision that depends on your circumstances and needs. After reviewing the different factors involved in making this decision, I see that you have already taken the first step toward purchasing your new hot tub. 

We hope this article helped you weigh the pros and cons of a hot tub and wish you luck in your purchase!

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