Buying a hot tub is a large investment, so it’s important to take good care of it. You will need to add chlorine frequently, but too much chlorine can itch and cause a rash.
When you first fill your new hot tub with water, how much chlorine should you add? Do you need to add chlorine at all? After all, you just filled it with safe-to-drink city water!
Getting chlorine levels right on the first setup of the season is important, especially if you have a new hot tub or it has been empty for a while.
In this post, we’ll discuss how to set up your hot tub for the first time, including achieving the correct chlorine levels and other chemicals and taking care of it to keep it at its best all season long.

How much chlorine to add to a hot tub the first time?
Although city water normally contains a level of chlorine that makes it safe to drink, there is not enough chlorine to keep the spa water sanitized.
When new hot tubs are first set up, they need a higher-than-usual amount of chlorine because the water has not been circulated through the pipes and other parts of the plumbing and pumping system yet.
What you will initially do is shock the hot tub, which involves super chlorinating to increase the free chlorine levels, kill off any unwanted bacteria, etc., and make it safe to use.
As a general rule, the first time you fill a new hot tub, add 1.5 times the amount of chlorine recommended for weekly chlorination for its size. The manufacturer’s handbook should recommend the amount of hot tub chlorine used.
The goal is 5 to 8 parts per million instead of the daily/weekly goal of 2 to 4 ppm.
This first-time boost helps rid the hot tub of bacteria from initial setup, transport, or storage.
You should also test the water’s pH level. If it is lower than 7.2, you should add a little pH plus to increase the pH, or if it is higher than 7.8, you should add some pH minus to lower the pH.
Hot tub starter kits
When adding chemicals to hot tub for the first time, these convenient packs of chemicals and accessories help get you started and keep the hot tub in good condition for some months.
The Hot Tub Things Chlorine Starter Kit includes all the chemicals you will need, as well as water test strips and full instructions.
How often to add chlorine to a hot tub?
In general, adding chlorine should be done once a week, particularly if the hot tub is used regularly.
However, how often to add chlorine to a hot tub should be determined by testing the water using a test kit or test strips.
You can test the chlorine level of the water with a kit you can buy at your local pool or spa supply store.
Recommended Test Strips
Recommended Test Kit
Many municipalities already chlorinate the water, so you’ll want to know your baseline before adding chlorine.
If the free chlorine level is correct, you need to do nothing. If it is low, you need to add some chlorine.
Amount of chlorine to add to a new hot tub?
A common amount of chlorine to add to a hot tub is about one teaspoon of chlorine granules per 100 gallons. Of course, this depends on what type of chlorine granules, tablets, or liquid you use.
Refer to your manufacturer’s directions for what type of chlorine is best for your spa. In general, however, for the first fill of a hot tub, you want the chlorine level at 5 to 8 ppm, whereas it can be between 2 to 4 any other day.
The amount of chlorine needed depends on the size and shape of your hot tub and its capacity. If you’re unsure what’s perfect for your tub, start with one ounce for every 250 gallons.
If you then test the chlorine level, which is not high enough, you can add more chlorine to the water.
How to add chlorine to a hot tub
If you are using liquid chlorine then you can pour this directly into the hot tub.
If you are using granulated chlorine, you should dissolve it in a bucket first. If chlorine granules sit on the bottom of the hot tub for any length of time, they may discolor it.
If you are using chlorine tablets, place them in a floating chlorine dispenser and allow them to float around.
Pro tip: If it’s a new hot tub, test the water before you fill it using a test kit or test strips. You could also take a sample to your hot tub dealer and let them test it to see what chemicals will best suit the needs of the water from your tap!
Why add chlorine to hot tub water?
Chlorine is the most common chemical used in a hot tub, and it’s added for disinfectant purposes.
It helps kill bacteria, viruses, fungi, algae, and other microorganisms that may make you sick if they get into the water. Without chlorine or another sanitizer, the hot tub water will get cloudy, bloom algae, and potentially mold.
While other sanitizers can be used, chlorine is a popular choice because it is cost-effective, easy to use, and effective.
What does it mean to shock hot tub water?
A shock is adding a higher dose of a chemical, usually chlorine or non-chlorine sanitizer, to kill anything in the water. It can also be called oxidizing.
It removes organic contaminants and what’s leftover (chloramines) when chlorine kills bacteria.
If the filter becomes clogged and can’t keep up with excess dirt, bacteria build up in your tub’s plumbing lines. A shock will turn all of those bad things into harmless chemicals you can just dump down your drain when you’re done.
Different chemicals can be used for different types of shocks: bleach is typically used for a chlorine shock, while non-chlorine shocks usually use bromine.
How to shock a hot tub for the first time
It’s pretty simple to shock your hot tub. As always, just be careful when handling the chemicals.
- Take off the hot tub cover
- Test the water
- Get it to a pH of about 7.5 for best results when using the shock
- Keep the pump on and turn off the jets
- Measure the shock and carefully add it according to the directions. I always dissolve in a bucket of water first.
You can let the hot tub rest uncovered for about 30 minutes. Test the water before using the tub and if you are not going to use it soon, cover it up to keep that newly shocked water nice and clean.
How often should you shock your hot tub?
It is recommended that you shock your hot tub weekly, maybe more, depending on how much use it gets.
The important thing is to always test the water before and after using strong chemicals and to protect yourself while doing so.
Hot Tub Maintenance Course
I bought Swim University’s Hot Tub Maintenance Course a while after I bought my first hot tub and struggled to maintain it. It was very well spent and has paid for itself many times over the years as I have saved by not needing to use as many chemicals as I did previously.
Listen to our Hot Tub Course Review Podcast:
What if you add too much chlorine to hot tub water?
Adding too much chlorine to a hot tub can cause burning, irritation, and even vomiting.
If you’re using bleach as your chemical of choice for shocking the water, it’s best to do so in the morning before people use the tub later that day. This way, no residual chlorine is lingering around when someone gets into the water.
You should always allow sufficient time after shocking before you use the hot tub and test the water first.
How to tell there is too much chlorine in your hot tub
Most people think the “bleach smell” means that there is too much chlorine in the hot tub water. The opposite is true. The characteristic smell of bleach results from what chlorine does: it is the resultant chloramines left behind as the chlorine breaks down in the water.
So, when you smell that bleachy smell, it actually means your chlorine has done its job and has run out.
Always test the water to be sure, then dilute it with fresh water, let it sit for a while, and test again. You can also add a chlorine neutralizer to reach a safe level of chlorination again.
Should you shock a hot tub before end-of-season storage?
No, you don’t need to shock it again since it will not be used for a while.
It’s best to drain, thoroughly clean, and sanitize your hot tub before storage and winterize it according to the directions in the manufacturer’s manual.
You may want to consider keeping your hot tub open all year, even if it gets very cold in the winter where you live. Nothing is more enjoyable than sitting in a lovely hot tub on a cold day, with snow all around, feeling warm and relaxed. Your neighbors may think you are mad but that will just be envy.
Adding chemicals to a hot tub for the first time. If you’re going to be using your hot tub for the first time, it is important that you clean and disinfect it with a strong dose of chlorine. The chemicals in this solution will remove all bacteria and contaminants from the water and help circulate them through the spa to ensure complete coverage.
By the way, if you are wondering how much chlorine to add to a lazy spa for the first time, then it is the same as any hot tub, so use the guide above.
In addition, regularly shocking the hot tub water will ensure your hot tub is continually free of bacteria, contaminants, and chloramines. With this regular chlorine maintenance, your hot tub soaks will be relaxing and sanitary all season long.
How much chlorine do I put in my first hot tub?
The general rule of thumb is to add 1.5 teaspoons of chlorine per 1000 liters. Your hot tub manual will tell you how many liters/gallons it holds.
How much chlorine do I put in a 1000 gallon hot tub?
You should add approximately 1.5 teaspoons of chlorine granules per 1000 liters. Since there are 3.78 liters in a gallon, this means you should add between 5.5 and 6 teaspoons of chlorine. Just make sure you check the chlorine level after it has dissolved and mixed with the hot tub water and adjust as necessary.
What chemicals do I put in my hot tub for the first time?
You need to add chlorine (or bromine) as a starting point to get the chlorine level to between 3 and 5 ppm. After that, you should test and adjust the pH level as necessary.
More hot tub information
Should jets be on when heating a hot tub?
I have had hot tubs for over 20 years and a pool for the last 11 years. I had to learn how to clean, maintain and fix them the hard way. Since then I have helped many friends and neighbors with their pools and now I want to share everything I have learned with you. About Me
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